Array literals
Arrays are statically sized homogeneous data structures.
l = (,) // empty array (typed (object))
l = (1, 2, 3) // integer array with three elements
l = ("Eric", ) // string array with a single element
List literals
Lists are dynamically sized heterogeneous data structures.
l = [] // empty list
l = ["one", 2, 3]
Hash literals
Also known as associative arrays or dictionaries.
h = {} // empty hash
h = { "spam" : "eggs" }
print h["spam"]
Timespan Literals
print 50s // 50 seconds
print 1d // 1 day
print 2m // 2 minutes
print 42ms // 42 miliseconds
print "Tomorrow this time will be: $(date.Now + 1d)"
Regular Expressions
fname, lname = /(\w+)/.Matches(" Eric Idle ")
print fname
print lname
Extended regular expressions can also contain white space and tab characters but they must be started by the @/ sequence:
fname, lname = @/ /.Split("Eric Idle")
print fname
print lname